Knock, knock.
Who's there?
apparently NO ONE lately!!
I'm so sorry - i know it seems like i am ignoring my blog.
Well actually i kinda am. But on purpose!!
You see... there have been sooo many new and exciting things going on, that i know if i sit down to write, i won't be able to just write about ONE!! And i couldn't share about just this or that... without explaining the whole thing!
Ya know how life has a crazy way of happening? LOL
And in my life, it seems like it's happening at full speed - ALL THE TIME!
And i truly believe we each have a choice to either stay rooted to the same spot, or jump on that train that's moving so fast - and go for a ride! Sometimes we can choose to jump off... sometimes we can't. And sometimes we jump on to an even faster train, and question our sanity!
Well... i've gone and done the latter! LOL
And i've been completely overwhelmed, and insanely busy. (and i just noticed yesterday that my house is a wonderful reflection of how busy i am! lol the messes are either small or project oriented when i am less busy - or it looks like a tornado ripped through my entire house when i am really busy and totally ignoring it! Guess where it's at right now?!?!? Ack.)
What's that line?
A clean house is evidence of a misspent life? or something?
Well then whoever wrote that will either know that i have been busy chasing after my dreams... OR they'll think i'm completely insane when they peek into my house at this moment!! :-o
I actually prefer this little saying - it fits me pretty well!
"My house is clean enough to be healthy... and messy enough to be happy."
Granted RIGHT NOW that is NOT the case. LOL
Anyway.. i'm rambling. No surprise, huh? :)
Ok, i'm just going to spit it out.. and then maybe later today, or tomorrow i can explain in more detail
Cheryl, my partner and I are opening a new store front.
and... in this economy, and weirdness right now
Something probably TOTALLY INSANE!!
I guess it's a good thing we both embrace insanity so well!! LOLOL
I keep telling myself ... you can't walk on water, unless you get out of the boat!!!
I'll tell you more about it in another post!
In the meantime I need to go paint one more chair and an armoir. Here's a pic ofa few i got done this week...

I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day!
xo Bren
Love the chairs, what fun. They will be great for your new adventure;)
Oh ~ such cute chairs ~ a hint of what will be for sale?? Good for you ~ don't let any grass grow under your feet!!! Keep us posted!!
You're such a tease!!! Of course I know the answers, but I'm not telling....just waiting for the big REVEAL!
Totally different, cool and exciting? It sounds like it will be wonderful! I can identify with jumping off a fast train only to get on a faster one. I do that all the time and it makes life interesting and exciting. Great chairs! Happy belated Valentines Day!
Go for it, Bren. Chase your dream! And enjoy the ride!
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