Saturday, April 11, 2009

Travelling Rug

Again, another funky picture (that i can't crop!! lol) taken with my phone. But i just HAD to show this to you!!!! I am sooo sooo thrilled!! About a year ago, an online hooking group that i belong to, decided to participate in a traveling rug "swap". We all sent off a pattern, and a journal. And 14? others hooked on our rugs. We would get one or two a month, sometimes none for a month or two. We would hook a portion and send it on to the next person. Anything went. You were free to change the design, add things in, make color choices and just have FUN!!! Ok... none of us thought it would run a year. LOLOL We truly thought it would be done in about 4 months or so. But, life has a way of getting in the way of fun plans like this!! Especially when you start it right before summer, all the gardening, travelling, company, etc! Sooooo... i just got mine back! LOL But I can't express how much i absolutely LOVE this rug!! Donchya love it? Look at all the different colors, textures, sizes of strips and heights. It's WONDERFUL!! One of the gals suggested changing the border to a wavy, more whimsical feel... and another had the guts to do it!! YAY!!! :D haha... and she wrote a note in the journal saying "bren, if you hate this, i will buy you a new pattern!" LOLOL!!! HOW CAN I HATE IT?? I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT!! I think it just improved the design 100%! So now, I need to go and fill in the rest. Do you know how badly I want to sit and hook on this today????!!!! It is extremely windy outside right now... and cold... the perfect day for hunkerin down with a fun rug. :) But... alas.... i have to stay responsible and keep working on getting my wools dyed, trimmed and tagged for the hook-in. :( But this will be my "reward" after the hookin!! :D I can't wait! Hope you have a very blessed day! xo Brenis :)


primitivebettys said...

TOTOALLY cool! :)

Plumruncreek ♥ said...

I LOVE the rug!! The colors are great!! What a treasure. :)

From Sherry's Heart said...

Oh Bren you have such self control to keep yourself from working on that rug when it's SOOO close to being done!!!!!
It's really cool too!!!!!

Sherry aka:The Queen

Anonymous said...

Your friends did a great job on your rug and I love the colors and design! I would love to see some of the other rugs that were part of the exchange too! I hope your preparations for the hook in go well, and have a blessed day!

Joanne said...

Great job from all Bren - was wondering where all these rugs are and wondering what they looked like - joanne

Cotton Eyed Jo said...

It was fun to work on your rug, Bren! Knew you would love it!

Love the pics of your toesies in the phone pics. :)

lej619 said...

OMG is that not CUTE!!! please post when it is done! I jsut found your blog and really like it. I also love your "wool room" that is really nice.
Is that little lamb pattern for sale by chance?? I know I for one would love a chance to get one if not a kit even??