The Denver Hook-in went well. Amazingly!! We were the lucky recipients of a ton of heavy wet snow the day before! My area got about 14".. and it just kept on comin!! Many of the mountain towns got close to 3 feet!!! Heavy slushy wet snow. Perfect for building a snowman, or building a fort! Perfect for breaking tree limbs and roofs! LOL Anyway... the roads were relatively clear.. once you made it out of your neighborhood and down to a main road. The key was getting out of your driveway! LOL!! But we got a call the night before, saying it was still on. We braved it, and just prayed that others would too, and people would show up!!
Well... i would guess somewhere between 25-30 people made it! Which is more than we thought would! :) (Our norm is around 100-125).
It was a great day, being around all the wool goodies, gorgeous rugs, and seeing friends!! Here's a picture of my booth, at the end of the day after being ransacked. :)
I was too busy talking and shopping to take any other pics!!
But my friend had brought her "good" camera, and was taking a bunch! So she said she'd send them to me, so I can post pics of the rugs for you! :D Yay!!
In other news...
My husband and I are taking dance lessons. "General Latin" = the Rhumba, and the Cha-cha.
We just started Monday night! (this is what I gave him for our anniversary)
So.. on that note.... we are DEFINITELY NOT like the two below!!! :D
That leg thing??? Not gonna happen!! Not now... or by the end of the lessons! :D We'll be lucky not to be stepping on each other's feet by the end of the lesson!! hahaha!! Much harder than it looks, that's for sure!
We started with the Rhumba... a basic box step. Then they added in a turn for the ladies. Managed that ok. Then they added in a box turn. Oh dear!! That's where I got all confused!
Now.. before i go any further with this... let me just say... there are 8 guys and 8 gals. And we have to rotate and dance with all the guys. (not getting to dance with my honey kinda stunk!) So there we all are, muddling through.. with complete strangers of all shapes and sizes! VERY INTERESTING to say the least! LOL!!
And next... something I had no idea that mattered. I'm a lefty.
So? You say?
LOL That's not normally a hinderance! It's actually a benefit in most cases!!
But.. as i found out.. throws ya all off in dancing and marching in the military! LOL
You as a righty... if you are standing still... and someone says walk... what foot do you lead with? Every time?? Yep!! You always lead with your left, right?
Me? I ALWAYS lead with my right!
hahaha... i conquered that.. for the most part anyway. And I'm trying to learn to follow and not lead! ;) (which means the guys haave to step up and actually LEAD!)
Well... they threw in that last turn (i was doing good up until then!! Honest!!) and my partner and I got all confused! I went left, he went right. Which leg are we supposed to use?? Left?? ok... no? Right??? ok... lolol it was hilarious!!
Well i got a little private lesson from the owner of the studio at that point. Lucky me! LOL
He was a really really nice guy! And extremely patient... and an excellent teacher!! He had me dancing!!! woohoo!!!! I was very excited!! :D Then when the lesson was over... he put me and Dan back together... and we immediately tripped over one another! LOL!
So it's not lookin too good..... YET!!
But we WILL get this!!
We may not end up looking like Mark and Shawn - but we will figure out a way to hold our own!
haha!!! But we're moving onto the cha-cha after three weeks. So that doesn't give us much time! (we may end up having to retake the class, me thinks!)
In the meantime... since I will NOT be posting pictures of Dan and I dancing (or tripping for that matter) I will leave you with a very nice shot of Gilles! :D
HOpe you have a wonderfully blessed day!!!!! Check back soon for pictures of some gorgeous rugs!!!! :)
Blessings, Bren :)
Too funny Bren, but it does sound like you and Dan had a great time. You are more courageous than I am.
Can't wait to see the pictures of the rugs!
This is really a good story ~ can't wait for the next installment!! We tried line dancing classes once ~ my husband doesn't take instruction well ~ it wasn't a good thing!! One class and we were done!! Good luck!!
What fun, great way to bring a little romance back;)
Would love to dance like that, but no twisting for me.
Your wool and rug are beautiful. How cool you and your hubby are taking dance class!!!
Love your booth Bren. Still can't believe you got all that snow, but glad others ventured out too!
Giggling up a storm on the dancing lessons. Way to go! And what a sweet gift. My husband will NOT dance, but has told me on serveral occasions, that he thought it would be fun to take dance lessons to learn to dance to the fifties music. That's his favorite music and says it always looks like fun. Sounds like it's been a blast for you two. Enjoy!
Bren - your booth looks great! Wish it would have been close enough for a road trip.
Oh my goodness the dance lessons - i know my husband would NEVER even attempt it. I had to laugh at your comment of being a lefty - I'm a lefty so I just had to stand up and check it out - Yep i start with my right foot and no amount of trying would let me go with me left! Weird and funny at the same time! LOL joanne
Alice - tooooo funny!!! I know the feeling!! LOL!!
Kathy - good idea for his next birthday! :) hee hee
Dan and I took Lindy Hop lessons eons ago... talk about HARSH for a first dance class! LOL! That is one hard dance! But we had a BLAST!
Joanne - what a trip, huh? It's something you know instinctually.. but not something you recognize until you're the only one going in an opposite step! hahaha!
We'll see what next week brings! :D
That last box turn we learned is sooo against my lefty grain, it takes a ton of effort! LOL!!
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