Thursday, February 28, 2008


This weekend Dan and I were at the outdoor mall, and passed a window display that had some fun baby and maternity items in it. This one really made us laugh though! And I kind of adopted it as my new mantra! LOL

Sometimes us moms with several kids feel like we are "less than", in the eyes of size -0 model trained society, or corporate women... etc.
And a few weeks ago, after reading Meg's post, and giving her a loud cheer (yes while sitting here at my desk! lol) she had put into words what many of us feel - but are not able to express as eloquently as she did. So when i saw this new mommy shirt of having this cool super power it struck a happy place in me!
As moms we know we are doing one of the most important jobs on earth - and one of the hardest! (Raise them up in the ways of the Lord, and when they are older they will not turn from it) And yet one of the least acknowledged! So I just wanted to pass this on to a few other moms that are doing their best to keep their family together, and centered, and full of LOVE! We DO have a superpower girls!!
And yes, i am trying very hard not to say "wonder twin powers - activate!" lololol
I know. Major dork.
But that's a given. :)

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